Bring Vibrant works and the spirit of the Amazon into your home with this beautiful handwoven basket showcase the timeless skills of artisans from the riverside Arimum communities living along the Arapiuns River in the amazon state of Pará, Brazil. There are 38 families living essentially from its by-products and handicrafts made of tucumã straw, and community-based Tourism. Crafted by a cooperative in their community, each piece is meticulously braided from tucumã palm fibers and colored with brilliant, sustainable plant-based dyes like yellow mangarataia bark and deep purple jenipapo fruit.
The intricate patterns and graphics speak to the indigenous roots of this centuries-old artform passed down through generations in Arimum. More than just exquisite baskets, these pieces represent the preservation of irreplaceable cultural heritage. By purchasing these handmade treasures, you support the livelihoods of a community of 38 artisan families in Arimum while ensuring their invaluable ancestral knowledge lives on through their hands.
Quantity: 1
Material: Tucumã palms, natural pigments
Handmade in the Amazon - Brazil
Size: 2" x 2"
Weight: 0.5 oz