Intricately crafted by the skilled hands of Sateré-Mawé women, these exquisite adornments are a celebration of indigenous Amazonian culture and harmonious existence with the rainforest. Strung from vivid morototo seeds gathered sustainably, each piece bears the ancestral strength and stories of this ethnic group known as the "Children of Guaraná." Versatile in nature, they can be worn as striking necklaces gracing the neck or wrapped into beautiful fold bracelets adorning the wrist. The vibrant seed colors, intricate patterns, and artful designs exemplify the Sateré-Mawé's profound connection to nature and rich artistic traditions.
More than decorative accessories, these authentic one-of-a-kind adornments link to the Sateré-Mawé's sustainable way of life deeply rooted in respect for the forest's bounty. By foraging morototo seeds and transforming nature's gifts into wearable art, they preserve cultural heritage while existing in harmonious symbiosis with the Amazon rainforest. Adorning yourself with these radiant pieces celebrates and supports the community's efforts to maintain cherished traditions.
Quantity: 1
Material: Morototo seeds
Handmade in the Andirá-Marau Indigenous Reserve of the Amazon- Brazil
Size: 64 inch circular length
Weight: 0.5 oz